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Wellion Frigo Insulin Cooler Bag

Brand: Wellion

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Wellion Frigo Med insulin cooler bag. ANTIBACTERIAL: special antibacterial impregnation of the inner bag. NO ELECTRICAL SUPPLY: activated with cold water. NO NEED FOR REFRIGERATION: no need for a freezer or refrigerating elements.


More information

Wellion Frigo Med insulin cooler bag:

  • ANTIBACTERIAL:special antibacterial impregnation of the inner bag.
  • cooling elements.


  1. Shake the Wellion Frigo inner bag to disperse the inner crystals evenly.
  2. Immerse the inner bag in cold water (maximum 10 minutes). The crystals in the cooling rods will form a gel and the inner bag will thicken.
  3. Clean and dry the inner bag to remove excess water and gel.
  4. Put the refrigerated insulin inside the inner bag and insert it inside the outer bag.

Comments (1)

| 20/08/2023 | Verified purchase
Wellion Frigo Insulin Cooler Bag

Buenas tardes podeis decirme las dimensiones de la bolsa refrigerante. Gracias

Store response | 21/08/2023

11cm de ancho y 21cm de largo

Gracias a usted!

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Quería saber cuantas horas dura en frio

Store response | 29/03/2024

La duración del enfriamiento dependerá de varios factores, como la temperatura ambiente, la cantidad de insulina o medicamentos en la bolsa, y la frecuencia con la que se abre y se cierra la bolsa. Se recomienda probar y observar el comportamiento de la bolsa en condiciones de uso para determinar su eficacia en mantener los medicamentos frescos durante un período específico.

Gracias por tu consulta!


Buenas noches. Estoy interesada en una bolsa refrigerante para insulina para 3 plumas. Ustedes me la pueden proporcionar? Gracias, un saludo

Store response | 07/03/2023

Buenos días, disponemos de bolsas refrigerantes para insulina en este momento, si precisa, puede hacer la compra online a través de nuestra pagina web para recibirlo con la mayor brevedad posible. 

Gracias, un saludo

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