Farmacia Núria Pau - Experts in dermocosmetics, orthopedics and parapharmacy
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More information about Gse

GSE is the acronym with which Grapefruit Seed Extract is identified in the United States. The GSE® brand in Italy is the exclusive property of Prodeco Pharma and is the basis of most of our formulations. It is a unique extract in nature known for its excellent broad-spectrum and selective antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, cytoprotective, and mucosal repair properties.

Phytotherapy for your health

For 30 years we have been dealing with responding to people's health demands, proposing innovative phytotherapeutic solutions capable of responding to the deepest causes of the problems and valuing the different options that allow us to maintain our body. and mind in good health. We share a passion for nature and we are strongly dedicated to acting in a coherent, responsible and sustainable way to create a 360° culture of well-being.

Ethics per Nature

For us, ethics means keeping promises and having the courage to do what is fairest for oneself and for others, respecting our values and principles. We envision a future where supporting, rather than countering, is the only sustainable living choice for common health and well-being.

A great project that expands

Since 1988 we have been distributing products, training tools and supporting the growth of a professional network of pharmacists throughout the Italian territory. Since 2016 we have started our international development process.

Universal values

We share the behavior that is always oriented towards bringing well-being and support to our interlocutors, whether it is the company's internal workers or collaborating partners. What in business terms is a mission, for us is a true and proper "why of life" that goes beyond profit. Three values with a high ethical profile guide us to give ourselves a deep meaning in work, in our tasks and in the successes of each day: love, well-being and sustainability. A shared journey towards life, health and its intrinsic relationship with happiness. A personal and professional mission in which absolute value rules: love.

Our daily work is inspired by an absolute principle of ethics and that is why all together, we have defined five corporate principles, as a guide for our behaviors.






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