Farmacia Núria Pau - Experts in dermocosmetics, orthopedics and parapharmacy
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urinary system

Showing 12 products
Showing 12 products.

urinary system

A well-functioning urinary system is vital to good health. The organs that make it up are in charge of filtering and cleaning our blood and they do it approximately 60 times a day. Thanks to them, our body is able to eliminate waste substances and toxins, which allows us to have clean blood and get rid of some health problems. To help you take care of your urinary system, we offer you the best natural products to prevent and treat urinary tract infections and cystitis, as well as relieve itching and urinary tract colitis. Find the best option and let yourself be advised by our experts in integrative natural medicine.

Cystitis is an inflammation that occurs in the bladder and is caused by a bacterial infection. These infections can be very annoying and painful, not to mention that it can become a serious disease if left untreated, as it could gradually spread to the kidneys. Sometimes, less frequently, cystitis can appear as a reaction to some medications or treatments, such as potential irritants or radiation therapy. It can also be caused by feminine hygiene sprays, spermicidal gels, prolonged use of a catheter, or appear as a symptom of another disease. The symptoms of cystitis are usually always the same, despite the fact that there are different types. Some of the most recurring are the urgent and constant need to urinate, a strong burning sensation when urinating, despite feeling the urge to urinate in very small amounts, the presence of blood in the urine (also called hematuria), a strong color and cloudy urine, pelvic discomfort (pain or burning), or fever. Other symptoms are pain in the back or sides, fever and chills, nausea or vomiting. There are natural products that can be applied to combat and prevent cystitis based on American cranberry. Discover the treatments we offer in our online store.

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