Farmacia Núria Pau - Experts in dermocosmetics, orthopedics and parapharmacy
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Cushions and pillows to prevent pressure sores, eye cushions and post-surgical cushions

Showing 12 products
Showing 12 products.

Memory foam and silicone anti-decubitus cushions and pillows

Get to know the anti-decubitus pillows and cushions, which will help you prevent bedsores in a person who is bedridden or who spends a lot of time sitting. If you do not find exactly the product you are looking for, ask us!

Bedsores, also called pressure ulcers, are skin lesions that can be more or less deep, caused by excessive and prolonged compression of the tissues that are in contact with the surface on which they rest. By spending a lot of time sitting or lying down, there are areas that are in constant contact with the chair or bed, causing the blood to stop circulating properly and, thus, causing ulcers. To avoid these bedsores in people who spend a lot of time sitting or lying down, we can use anti-decubitus cushions, as they reduce support pressure and improve blood circulation in the skin. When the user does not yet have bedsores and needs a cushion to prevent them, these types of cushions are perfect. 

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