Brand: LCN
Reference: 174676.4
InmunoRespir from LCN is a food supplement that has been designed to help improve sneezing, nasal stagnation, itching, discomfort and secretions in the throat, scratchy throat, due to germs, dust, pollen, animals, pollutants, etc.
Properties and benefits:
How to take it?
If there is difficulty swallowing, the capsules can be opened and mixed with liquids.
Quand de temps seguit tinc que pendre INMUNO RESPIR LCN ..?
Pots prendre les càpsules d'Inmunorespir de LCN durant llargs períodes si és necessari. Normalment, es poden prendre fins a sis mesos sense supervisió professional.
Gracies per la teva consulta.
Puedo tomar, además del Inmunorespir, Paracetamol? Por dolor muscular debido al fuerte constipado
Si, no hay ningún problema, puedes tomar ambos.
Gracias por tu consulta!
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