Brand: Kmina
Reference: 009801
2 IN 1 Walker: By combining the characteristics of a walker and a wheelchair, the user can both move independently and sit and be pushed in a totally safe way. This walker has been designed for dependent people who need help to walk and do not want to lose their autonomy.
Is it already assembled. Is it returnable. Is it suitable to go in a small boot of a car
The walker is partially assembled; only the handles and the backrest need to be attached.
It is returnable without any issues, provided that the product is in perfect condition and has not been used. The customer will be responsible for covering the shipping costs.
As for whether it's suitable to fit in a small car's trunk (boot), it would depend on the dimensions of the car's trunk.The folded walker's dimensions are 97x56x47 cm, so you may want to measure the trunk space to ensure it can fit comfortably before making a decision.
Thank you for your inquiry! If you have any further questions or need more information, feel free to ask.
¿donde puedo examinar este andador en Zaragoza
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Muy muy contentos ,muy buena compra es muy manejable, a mi padre le encanta (el caminador que le dejaron en el sociosanitario no le gustaba para nada) por lo que no le hacía gracia un caminador,,pero cuando recibió éste,, quedó encantado. Y yo por mi parte muy agradecida por el buen trato recibido por parte de la farmacia Núria Pau, es muy de agradecer en los tiempos que corren dar con profesionales que entiendan y sepan comprender y nos ayuden a los que necesitamos y vamos un poco ""perdidos"" en las necesidades de nuestros familiares, sólo puedo decir,,, GRACIAS
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