Brand: Pranarom
Reference: 131368
SINGERS SYRUP is indicated for tired vocal cords and in case of hoarseness. Erisimo syrup, made according to a centuries-old recipe already used by singers in the Sistine Chapel choir in Rome in the 18th century, acts specifically on the vocal cords. Sisymbrium officinale, better known as hedgehog, contains sulfurous compounds that soften the vocal cords and help restore the voice. This syrup is indicated for anyone who uses the voice very regularly (singers, actors, teachers, lecturers, lawyers, etc...).
Me ha ido genial. Tenía un fuerte afonía, compré 2 botes de urbe y como vi que mejoraba pedí 4 más.
Tenía una afonía de 15 días de duración y después de tomar este jarabe he podido recuperar la voz…
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