Brand: Lacer
Reference: 267872.9
Gingilacer toothpaste significantly reduces bleeding gums, caused by tooth brushing, in 48 hours. It is indicated in the prevention of gingivitis or gum disease. Gingilacer toothpaste is also developed to reduce the formation of dental plaque, while restoring the good condition of the gingival tissues. Does not contain gluten.
The main actions of Gingilacer are:
Gingilacer toothpaste can be used as daily oral hygiene, usually being the ideal complement to tooth brushing. It provides a pleasant feeling of freshness and cleanliness in the mouth without causing dental staining problems.
Es un producto exelente. Desde la primera vez. Que la utizo. Siento un cambio en mis dientes y encías. Vale la pena. Usar este producto. Estoy muy satisfecha. Comprare el enjuague bucal lacer también. Muy recomendada
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