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More information about Ceva

Ceva Animal Health (Ceva Santé Animale) is a French veterinary health laboratory, focused on the research, development, production and marketing of pharmaceuticals and vaccines for companion animals, cattle, pigs, equines and poultry. Our mission is summed up in the motto: "Together, beyond animal health"​, recognizing that the future of animal health, humans and our planet are inseparably linked. We have a direct presence in 43 countries around the world and active businesses in more than 100.

Our new mission is encapsulated in the motto "Together, beyond animal health" which has three fundamental principles, each referring to direction on broader societal issues:

Help feed a growing population.

The issue of ensuring food resources and security is vital. Currently in the world not all the population has access to the necessary animal proteins. Sustainable agriculture is and will once again become an important part of the strategy to feed 9 billion people by 2050. As Ceva, we will continue to work with our partners involved in animal protein production to find increasingly efficient ways to the brood.

The fight against zoonoses.

We are dedicated to fighting zoonoses, which carry the threat of serious pandemics, especially in a world of increasing mobility. We want to underline the fact that the safety of food products has recently become a topic of wide public interest. Both existing and future biologics will help ensure that we are able to provide quality protein from animals.

Promote the benefits of the essential relationship between humans and animals.

Companion animals are an important part of our lives, and can greatly contribute to psychological and emotional well-being in an increasingly urbanized society.

As our cities grow, so will the role of the veterinary profession in educating people to live in harmony with their pets.

This triple mission is an achievable ideal, but it is beyond the limits of what one company can achieve on its own. That is why we want a public debate on our approach, since only together with other animal health professionals will we be able to meet the future needs that arise in the animal world.

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