Farmacia Núria Pau - Experts in dermocosmetics, orthopedics and parapharmacy
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Bimanan categories

More information about Bimanan

Effective slimming products and effectively responsible nutrition. At biManán we believe in EFFECTIVELY RESPONSIBLE NUTRITION, which is why our products incorporate the necessary amount of nutrients and vitamins to achieve weight goals without losing anything good. smoothies creams bars smoothies bars Snacks Plans and Kits Emergency Fat burn fat binder drains Specific zones

Our biManán substitutes will provide you with the nutrients and vitamins you need in all those meals in which you choose to take care of yourself with biManán, but remember that our products are part of a diet and it is important that you combine them with a varied and balanced diet.

Remember the concept of a healthy plate: 50% should be vegetables, which provide fiber and other nutrients, a quarter of the plate corresponds to proteins, preferably white fish and lean meat, and the remaining 25% there are foods rich in carbohydrates (rice, bread, pasta...).

It is important to eat 5 meals a day. The biManán beKomplett bars between meals will allow you to arrive less hungry for the next meal.

Combine a good diet with physical exercise on a regular basis. Start with small changes.

Try to go more places on foot, avoid the elevator or go for a fun walk with big strides.

And don't forget to drink 2 liters of water a day as well as get enough rest.

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